Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sipan’s Valley Tomb

What is it in thy grave? That bleeds your sacred name

Of bygone years: Once long-forgotten in

A midnight tomb

Foredoomed!… Now resurrected for mankind.

O turn thou head to me In whose empty eyes I see,

Eternal legends! For I know, no need for thy

To say anything.

Ah, your hour did flee Ruled across the Sipan Valley:

That old glory lost in years Now remembered…:

Returns motionless—;

As the sun grows bright Once again, over Sipan’s tomb…

today, is yesterday’s sunset


#337 5/2/06 written at El Parquetito, Lima, Peru; notes: in April I took a trip to see the tomb of Sipan, and its surrounding environment [Northern Peru]: its tombs, and its pyramids, and its valley; all seemed to carry a force, a hidden force in the sands. The bones of the Lord of Sipan are in a nearby museum, and a replica has been put in its place; this dread, can also be felt, as you stand by the outside tomb, some fifteen feet deep, as you look into it. The Spirits are annoyed to say the least. The Lord of Sipan, equal to King Tutankhamun of Egypt (so it has been said), equal in its worth of a great discover that is, dates back to 200 AD; it was originally discovered in l987, thus, it is a newer discover, like Caral, in Northern Peru, discovered in l992 (the site dating back to 3000 BC). The tomb has been replicated to look as it did on the day of discovery: five bodies within the tomb, with all its royal attire; it is a moving site, nonetheless, even with the original bones of the Lord of Sipan, taken out for posterity’s sake.


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